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Ward 16

Papanana, Galali, Moyeni, Extension 7, Silvercity, Bhobhobhana, Machamsholo, Silvercity, Sipilini, Baphathe

Ward Map
Project Name Ward No Source of funding Scope of work
Silver City AR & Bridge 16 MIG 5 km of new gravel access road and 1500 x1500mm of portal culvert bridge, 1x 900mm causeway
Moyeni Hall Maintenance 16 R&M Replacing of existing roof structure and Replacing and painting of ceiling, painting of internal walls
Proposed Ward Projects
Proposed Projects Proposed Scope Infra Budget MIG BudgetNqabeni AR Maintenance
Ext 7, Moyeni & Papanana Internal roads Maintenance of 8.7 km of gravel access road Infrastructure budget

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