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Local Economic Development

The Manager of LED and the Environment is responsible for LED and Environmental

The objectives of the LED and Environment Department are:

  • to promote local economic development;
  • to promote and enforce proper environmental practices;
  • to promote SMME development (entrepreneurship);
  • to promote tourism initiatives;
  • to promote forestry development;
  • to promote Agrarian Reform.
Umzimvubu Municipality’s Local Economic Development Department will be a facilitator and conduit for required resources and identified socio-economic community needs with a clear development focus on the creation of a growing local economy. The Umzimvubu Municipality’s LED Department is committed to promote quality economic development facilitation and coordination services to its communities by:
  • Facilitating opportunities for SMME’s;
  • Supporting poverty alleviation projects;
  • Facilitating agriculture, value-adding and market access opportunities;
  • Developing an investment attraction and marketing strategy for our area;
  • Falititating finance, funds and resources from non-governmental, private and donor sectors;
  • Monitoring the creation of jobs/business opportunities created by Umzimvubu Local Municipalty.
The vision of the tourism division of the Umzimvubu Municipality is to promote and develop the local Tourism Industry as a key economic sector within the regional economy. Its mission is to successfully market, promote and develop Tourism Products and Services in the regional based on the priciples of responsible tourism and good governance.
Core Objectives
  • To develop emerging tourism products and services.
  • To develop a local tourism strategy.
  • To support provincial initiatives in order to increase local and international tourism.
The economy is based on two major capital labour intensive sectors,namely Agriculture and SMME development industries. These industries combined account for jobs that have been created within the municipal jurisdiction.


A diverse and resilient economy, able to exploit competitive advantage of the municipality while building appropriate skills by 2017


Through promotional of viable, sustainable economic activities and employment generation

Senior Manager – Local Economic Development and Enviromental Management

Mr Azola Makanda

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