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Chief WhipCllr Florida Ngonyolo

Tel: (+27) 392558517

Ms Zethu Mazingisa
Tel: (+27) 392558517
Cell: 071 901 2768

I was born in Qoqa Location in Mt Frere in 1978. After matriculating in Arthur Ngunga Senior Secondary School in Mt Ayliff. I obtained a obtained Higher Certificate in Public Administration at the University of Fort Hare in 2015.

In 2011 I joined Local Government as a Ward Councilor for Ward 21 in Umzimvubu Local Municipality. In 2016, I was then deployed again as a Ward 21 Councilor and also served as the Portfolio Head for Special Programmes and Communications.

During the year 2018, I was deployed as a Portfolio Councilor for Local Economic Development and on the same year I was also elected by the Council as the Acting Mayor. In 2019 I was deployed as the Speaker of the Municipality and after the 2021 Local Government Elections, I was then inaugurated to serve the Municipal Council as the Chief Whip.


In the parliamentary system of government, the role of the chief whip of a political party is to manage other whips within the party to ensure that its members maintain discipline and good conduct and specifically seeks to ensure that party members speak with one voice on matters of policy. Thus, one of the chief whip’s primary functions is to ensure cohesion between the executive and legislative branches of government.

The role of the chief whip within local government in South Africa has been redefined, given that municipalities perform a dual role, encompassing both the executive and legislative domains. Moreover, the fact Umzimvubu Municipality specifically has 64 councillors, reinforces the need for a full-time Council Chief Whip. The Council Chief Whip’s role spans both the political and administrative domains of the Council, with the emphasis on the political aspect.

A range of political parties has representation on Council and the Council Chief Whip has to ensure that relationships are constructive and focused on the key issues at hand. This requires an approach in which the efficient functioning of the municipal council has to be prioritised. This is achieved, in the first instance, through a functioning “whippery” system that consists of the Chief Whip of Council and the Whippery committee.


  1. To deal with the issues that could hamper the constructive relations between the various political parties represented on Council. This is a new responsibility that was given to the chief whips and it is aimed at effective and efficient decision-making on policy-related issues.
  2. The Council Chief Whip also collaborates on a regular basis with the Council Speaker on issues of conduct, councillor benefits and governance.
  3. The Council Chief Whip acts as an interface between the Speaker, the Executive Committee and the Mayor. Diplomacy and a thorough understanding of the Council system are therefore integral to successful communication and decision-making.
  4. Equitable representation in the different Council committees has to be overseen and the Council Chief Whip ensures that these committees meet regularly and contribute constructively to the business of Council.
  5. The Council Chief Whip chairs the Section 79 Disciplinary Committee and should be the Deputy Chairperson of the Section 79 Rules Committee if it exists. This points to his/ her role in relation to discipline and conduct of councillors, along with the Council Speaker


  1. Delegated authority to promote good governance. The Chief Whip will ensure that membership of a number of key committees and facilitation across political parties on a whole range of matters where convergence is sought takes place.
  2. Delegated authority to ensure the accountability of councillors to ward committees and the allocation of proportional representation (PR) councillors to wards, to improve their accountability to communities is done.
  3. Delegated authority to intervene in conflict situations between communities and councillors.
  4. Delegated authority to take lead on l occasions during Council meetings when disagreements arises and Council meetings being adjourned for caucusing purposes in order to reach consensus between different parties.
  5. Delegated authority to serve as the Chairperson of the Whippery Committee of the municipality and lead debates on issues of mutual concern and to improve coordination and communication strategies.
  6. Delegated authority to ensure adherence to the Code of Conduct. This is a co-responsibility with the Speaker.
  7. Delegated authority to ensure that provision of administrative and secretarial support services to all councillors is rendered. This support strengthened the effectiveness of councillors in their role as public representatives.


1.3.1 Reports to Council

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