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BIDDER’S CLOSES AT THE OFFICES OF: UMZIMVUBU LOCAL MUNICIPALITY OFFICES KWABHACA AT 12H00 ON 12 SEPTEMBER 2022 Documents are to be delivered by hand in the tender box as no faxed copies will be acceptable; the box is situated at ‘Reception’ of Umzimvubu Municipality, 813 Main Street, Mount Frere. NO LATE SUBMISSION WILL BE CONSIDERED

BIDDER’S CLOSES AT THE OFFICES OF: UMZIMVUBU LOCAL MUNICIPALITY OFFICES KWABHACA AT 12H00 ON 12 September 2022 Documents are to be delivered by hand in the tender box as no faxed copies will be acceptable; the box is situated at ‘Reception’ of Umzimvubu Municipality, 813 Main Street, Mount Frere. NO LATE SUBMISSION WILL BE CONSIDERED

BIDDER’S CLOSES AT THE OFFICES OF: UMZIMVUBU LOCAL MUNICIPALITY OFFICES KWABHACA AT 12H00 ON 12 September 2022 Documents are to be delivered by hand in the tender box as no faxed copies will be acceptable; the box is situated at ‘Reception’ of Umzimvubu Municipality, 813 Main Street, Mount Frere. NO LATE SUBMISSION WILL BE CONSIDERED

BIDDER’S CLOSES AT THE OFFICES OF: UMZIMVUBU LOCAL MUNICIPALITY OFFICES KWABHACA AT 12H00 ON 09 September 2022 Documents are to be delivered by hand in the tender box as no faxed copies will be acceptable; the box is situated at ‘Reception’ of Umzimvubu Municipality, 813 Main Street, Mount Frere. NO LATE SUBMISSION WILL BE CONSIDERED

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