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Ward 14

Matyeni, Sahlulo, Mndini A,B,C, Nqalweni, Niyona, Mandileni, Goxe, Ngwetsheni

 Ward Map
Project Name Ward No Source of funding Scope of work
Goxe AR 14 Infra Project 2.5km new gravel AR, 4.2km road maintenance, 1200x 1200 portal culverts, 300m of stone pitching and 7 x dish drains
Electrification 14 Electrificaition Grant Nqalweni Phase 1 (200 + 120 H/H)
Electrification 14 Electrificaition Grant Mandileni Phase 1 (200 H/H)
Proposed Ward Projects
Proposed Projects Proposed Scope Infra Budget MIG BudgetNqabeni AR Maintenance
Bhekani AR Maintenance Maintenance of 5.6 km Infrastructure budget

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